This week in Year 3 we have continued our exploration of friction. After asking lots of questions about how a toy car might run on different surfaces, we set up an experiment. Each group had a toy car and we tested how far it would go on our tables, carpet, pavement, grass and even on our beloved AstroTurf! We used our maths skills to record the distance in centimetres, and worked collaboratively to record our findings.
We have all enjoyed our NSPCC maths day. We started the day with a number of maths games and then – between our ukulele practice – Class 3A delved into an exciting maths project based on our current theme of Transport. We investigated how we would plan a journey from St Albans to Edinburgh. We considered how long it would take; what it would cost (flexing our multiplication muscles to find out total cost for our group!); how far it was; and the impact on the environment. As a group, we chose a mode of transport and explained to the rest of the class why we had made that choice.
To link with Art, we have looked at the work of Paul Klee and inspired by his use of 2-D shapes in the picture, Castle and Sun, we have made a start on some pictures of our own. We considered the mood we wanted to create and which colours would convey that mood effectively. Some of us are going to be using 2D shapes to make self-portraits too!