Another week of learning has again passed by far too quickly! We ended the week on a numerical note by celebrating Number Day! Number Day proved to be a lovely opportunity to make maths fun…
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Number Fun in Year 5!
NSPCC Number Day Year 5 celebrated Number Day today by sharing the story 365 Penguins, where a family receive one penguin every day of the year. We calculated the answers to the problems throughout the…
Read MoreAnglo Saxon Art and Maths day in Year 4
The children in Year 4 pretended to travel back in time, to design and make an Anglo Saxon brooch. They used tooling foil and sharpie pens. The designs were symmetrical, with patterns and jewels. Our…
Read MoreNumber Day in Year 3!
The children had a fantastic ‘mathsy morning’ during our NSPCC Number Day. We talked about where we use numbers in real life, and then read the book 365 penguins. Afterwards, the children completed a task…
Read MoreClass Assembly
Today we had our Class Assembly. We sang songs, recited poetry and shared our work from the term so far. Everyone spoke clearly and sang with enthusiasm and laughter. Here are some photos from our…
Read MoreYear 6 Count!
Year 6 have been working hard this week learning how to be independent learners. In Science, the children posed their own questions based around exercise and heart rate. They worked in groups or independently to…
Read MoreYear 1 – Maths Week & NSPCC Number Day
The Year 1 children came into school in some amazing costumes this morning to support the NSPCC charity. We had so much fun, playing board games and spending the day immersed in everything to do…
Read MoreIt’s been an electrifying week in Year 4!
Year 4 have been very busy learning about electrical circuits, first aid and and finally finishing their 3D pieces of modroc artwork inspired by the artist Nicole Dyer. The children excitedly used wires, bulbs and…
Read MoreSuper Seashore Soundtracks in Year 5
Year 5 have been learning to create soundtracks using Scratch this week. The children created story backdrops, many linked to our current Whole School book ‘Flotsam’, then used sound effects combined with music to create…
Read MoreCelebrating Learning in Year 3
This week has been a very busy one for Year 3 as they have been rehearsing for their curriculum assembly. The children have been learning their lines and new songs, showcasing everything they have learnt…
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