This week in Year 3 we have started work on writing reports on bicycles, combining both Geography and English. We have learnt about the features of a non-chronological report and written our own success criteria. We have researched and made notes on facts about bicycles. We look forward next week to planning our reports, writing them out and showing you all the finished product!
In maths, we have been working hard to conquer fractions of a set of objects (1/3 of 15 apples, for example). We will continue our work on fractions next week to further reinforce the work covered during lockdown.
We enjoyed celebrating the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday. After re-telling the story of the Ascension and thinking about how the apostles would have felt, we wrote prayers on spirals; sending them up to God. We also joined – via the church’s YouTube channel – our Chaplaincy team and that of St John Fisher in the special celebration taking place at the church. The children showed great respect and reverence during the service and I was incredibly proud of them.

I wish you all a peaceful weekend.